Careers in the Curriculum with the NHS – Chemistry
If your students love chemistry and think they may want to turn their passion into a career, this is the event for you! Join us to hear directly from NHS staff about the way they use chemistry in their jobs today. The NHS is looking for passionate students who are interested in pharmacy to study at Bath University and later go on to support them in the South West region! We want your students to walk away from this event with a better understanding of how the things they’re learning now will help them later on in their career. If your students are interested in chemistry or a career with the NHS, sign up today!
This Gatsby Benchmark 4 session will link careers in pharmacy with the NHS to chemistry in the curriculum.
Who should join?
This event is for schools in South West England to stream to students during term time.
About the NHS
The NHS has over 1.3 million employees, making them one of the largest employers in the world! Employees are taken care of, with competitive benefits, a strong emphasis on work-life balance, and development opportunities for full-time and part-time employees. There are also hundreds of apprenticeship opportunities with the NHS, as well as other options for school-leavers and graduates.
This event will be recorded by Pathway CTM any issues or questions please contact us via [email protected]
Please note, attendees will be muted with their camera off throughout the webinar.
Please Arrive 5 Minutes Early if Possible