Wed 7th Jul | 10:10-10:50
Chromatography Flowers
Join RSSL for this Follow along with this workshop exploring the magic of colours.
Colours are made up of many different molecules that mix together to create the single colour registered we can see with our eyes. But through the process of chromatography we can separate the different coloured pigments (or any other combination of molecules!) so we can see each colour individually. Follow along with this workshop from RSSL.
Chemicals and Equipment required:
- Safety specs
- Water
- Filter paper
- 100ml Beakers
- Felt tipped pens
- Green/brown pipe cleaners
This event will be recorded by Pathway CTM any issues or questions please contact us via [email protected]
Please note, attendees will be muted with their camera off throughout the webinar.
Please Arrive 5 Minutes Early if Possible
Event Type
- Influencer
- Online