Chemical Compounds in Medicine

Monday 11th April 2022

Learn from Ade Williams, a Superintendent Pharmacist at MJ Williams Pharmacy, about his journey in chemistry and where he is today, as he discusses how chemistry is fundamental in pharmacy.

Chemistry is all about building blocks and it explains how everything around us is built, held together, and exists. Hear how Ade uses chemistry in his everyday life as a pharmacist, as he discusses how you can apply knowledge from chemistry class, such as the periodic table, to repairing the body and delivering care to people.

0:00 Introduction
0:35 Question 1 – What’s your name, what do you do & where do you work?
0:55 Question 2 – What level did you take chemistry up to?
1:15 Question 3 – What excited you about chemistry?
3:21 Question 4 – How do you use chemistry in your job on a daily basis?
