Submitting a winning CV | PwC

Tuesday 12th April 2022

In this session we are looking at what needs to go on a CV at an early career stage. There are many myths about what needs to be on a CV and this can be confusing for young people. Max uses his experience as an early career recruiter to help students understand how to display their strengths, skills and achievements on a CV, providing them with a great template for the rest of their career.

00:00 Introduction
01:55 Session agenda
02:40 Meet our volunteer – Calvyn (PwC)
10:00 Learning Outcomes
12:10 Video – Submitting a winning CV
14:50 Tips & Tricks for winning CV’s
22:50 Private Information on CV’s
24:35 Profile & Qualification section
29:05 Transferable skills section
39:35 Personal Statements
51:43 Q&A